• The physical, printed version of NEHEMIAH STRONG.
  • The physical, printed version of NEHEMIAH STRONG, plus one-time download of entire library of essential supplements and additional exhibits. Note:  Quantity limited to 1 to prevent multiple charges for download of electronic essentials. The downloadable essentials are zip files that contain multiple PDF and other files and cannot be downloaded to a phone or pad unless you have an external cloud service or hard drive. Ideally they should be saved to a computer or hard drive. 
    * If you purchase the Electronic Essentials, please click the links provided after the sale and also provided in the confirmation email to download them and save them to your computer hard drive. They are compressed zip files. Once they are saved, navigate to where they are on your computer and double click to open.
    They cannot be saved to a pad or phone unless you have a cloud service that you can save them to.
  • The entire library of essential supplements and additional exhibits to accompany the book NEHEMIAH STRONG. Note:  Quantity limited to 1 to prevent multiple charges for download of electronic essentials. The downloadable essentials are zip files that contain multiple PDF and other files and cannot be downloaded to a phone or pad. They need to be saved to a computer or external hard drive. Save them to your computer and then double-click to open.
  • The physical, printed version of NEHEMIAH STRONG, plus one-time download of entire library of essential supplements and additional exhibits. Note:  Quantity limited to 1 to prevent multiple charges for download of electronic essentials. The downloadable essentials are zip files that contain multiple PDF and other files and cannot be downloaded to a phone or pad unless you have an external cloud service or hard drive. Ideally they should be saved to a computer or hard drive. 
    * If you purchase the Electronic Essentials, please click the links provided after the sale and also provided in the confirmation email to download them and save them to your computer hard drive. They are compressed zip files. Once they are saved, navigate to where they are on your computer and double click to open.
    They cannot be saved to a pad or phone unless you have a cloud service that you can save them to.
  • The physical, printed version of NEHEMIAH STRONG.
  • The entire library of essential supplements and additional exhibits to accompany the book NEHEMIAH STRONG. Note:  Quantity limited to 1 to prevent multiple charges for download of electronic essentials. The downloadable essentials are zip files that contain multiple PDF and other files and cannot be downloaded to a phone or pad. They need to be saved to a computer or external hard drive. Save them to your computer and then double-click to open.
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