Sharing the message of NEHEMIAH STRONG has required sizeable investment – not only in printing thousands of books, but also web site production, travel, technical hardware, support staff, software licenses, video editing, etc. And I’m fine with that.
But, I learned an important lesson from folks I’ve met in my travels. When the first few folks wished to contribute to my ‘gas and burgers’ funds, initially I declined. They then – passionately! – said,
“Don’t deny me my blessing from helping you!”
So, in that spirit, I say –
Thank you, thank you, thank you, for answering the unction the Lord put on your heart to assist me in lighting brushfires of faith and liberty.
Psalm 91 blessing over you, fellow sojourner!
Notes: Contributions are not tax-deductible. To support by check or other means, contact me via the ‘Contact’ page.